Friday, December 15, 2006


"You know what I mean," Buddy muttered as he returned from some deliveries? "Here it is what, almost 8:00. I been on 4 deliveries and didn't get no tip yet. That's a hunert dollars in pizza and no dang tip."
"It will get better. Hang in there. You know how it goes in streaks," I said.
"Nope. Not till I stop pulling them orders in that section of town."
I didn't ask, I knew what was coming.
"The Black persuasion."
"How are they persuaded to be Black", I queried?
He continued, ignoring me, "Their Momma and Daddies didn't teach them no manners about tippin. Period! It just aggratates me and they don't know how to speak no English, either."

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